We now announce our Seminars in the Forthcoming events section. Check them out!!!
Our annual workshop will be held at UPM next January 31st! Check out all the relevant information here.
Latest news (dd-mm-yy):
09-01-2025: M. Pereda and A. Sánchez have just published a paper in PNAS Nexus entitled "Indirect social influence and diffusion of innovations: An experimental approach". Click on the title to read it!
09-01-2025: A. Sánchez has just published a paper in Evolutionary Human Sciences entitled "Co-evolution of behavior and beliefs in social dilemmas: estimating material, social, cognitive and cultural determinants". Click on the title to read it!
04-12-2024: C. Rascón has just published a paper in PRL entitled "Wetting, Algebraic Curves, and Conformal Invariance". Click on the title to read it!
05-11-2024: R.Gutiérrez and R. Cuerno have just published a paper in PRE entitled "Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class in the synchronization of oscillator lattices with time-dependent noise". Click on the title to read it!
01-11-2024: Y. Martínez Ratón has just published a paper in PRE entitled "Cell theories for the chiral crystal phase of hard equilateral triangles". Click on the title to read it!
31-05-2024: M. Suarez participated in a round table about Phylosophy of Science at Fundación Ramón Areces. You can watch the video here.
28-05-2024: S. Ares and P. Catalán have just published a paper in Biophysica entitled "Mathematical Models of the Arabidopsis Circadian Oscillator" Click on the title to read it!
27-05-2024: Ricardo Brito (GISC) together with M.Pinto and R.Soto (Univ de Chile) have just published a paper in PRL (Chosen as Editors' Suggestion) entitled "Kinetic Theory of Motility Induced Phase Separation for Active Brownian Particles" Click on the title to read it!
10-04-2024: S. Ares and P. Catalán have just published a chapter in the Book Thermomorphogenesis, edited by Springer, entitled "Mathematical Modeling of Photo- and Thermomorphogenesis in Plants". Click on the title to read it!
05-03-2024: I.A. Domenech, R. Cuerno and S.N. Santalla have just published a paper in PRE entitled "Shape effects in the fluctuations of random isochrones on a square lattice" Click on the title to read it!