We now announce our Seminars in the Forthcoming events section. Check them out!!!
Latest news (dd-mm-yy):
31-05-2024: M. Suarez participated in a round table about Phylosophy of Science at Fundación Ramón Areces. You can watch the video here.
28-05-2024: S. Ares and P. Catalán have just published a paper in Biophysica entitled "Mathematical Models of the Arabidopsis Circadian Oscillator" Click on the title to read it!
27-05-2024: Ricardo Brito (GISC) together with M.Pinto and R.Soto (Univ de Chile) have just published a paper in PRL (Chosen as Editors' Suggestion) entitled "Kinetic Theory of Motility Induced Phase Separation for Active Brownian Particles" Click on the title to read it!
10-04-2024: S. Ares and P. Catalán have just published a chapter in the Book Thermomorphogenesis, edited by Springer, entitled "Mathematical Modeling of Photo- and Thermomorphogenesis in Plants". Click on the title to read it!
05-03-2024: I.A. Domenech, R. Cuerno and S.N. Santalla have just published a paper in PRE entitled "Shape effects in the fluctuations of random isochrones on a square lattice" Click on the title to read it!
29-02-2024: M. Castro has just published a paper in Knowledge-Based Systems entitled "Generation of probabilistic synthetic data for serious games: a case study on cyberbullying". Click on the title to read it!
20-02-2024: A. Sánchez has recently published a paper in Nature Communications entitled "Changes in Social Norms During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Across 43 Countries". Click on the title to read it!
20-02-2024: N. Khalil, I. Leyva and I. Sendiña-Nadal have recently published a paper in Physical Review E entitled "Cooperation transitions in social games induced by aspiration-driven players". Click on the title to read it!
14-02-2024: A. Sánchez has recently published a paper in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B entitled "Modeling social norms: an integration of the norm-utility approach with beliefs dynamics". Click on the title to read it!
14-02-2024: A. Sánchez and F. Lipari have just published a paper in Ecological Economics entitled "When the design of climate policy meets public acceptance: an adaptive multiplex network model". Click on the title to read it!
14-02-2024: A. Sánchez has just published a paper in Journal of Physics: Complexity entitled "The complexity of climate change mitigation: An experiment with large groups". Click on the title to read it!
14-02-2024: A. Sánchez and A. Antonioni have just published a paper in Scientific Reports entitled "Assessing the effects of pandemic risk on cooperation and social norms using a before-after Covid-19 comparison in two long-term experiments". Click on the title to read it!