Here, you will find information about incoming and recentlly held events:


  • 31/01/2025, 09:00: Workshop
    Title: XXIst GISC annual Workshop
    Speaker: GISC Members usually (GISC )
    Location: ETSIAAB, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • 28/01/2025, 11:30: Seminar
    Title: Dinámica de redes sociales en la micro, meso y macro escala
    Speaker: Miguel A. González-Casado (GISC/UC3M )
    Location: Aula 2.2.D08


  • 15/11/2024, 12:00: Seminar
    Title: Studying the stability of solitary waves via Sturm-Liouville theory
    Speaker: Renato Álvarez-Nodarse (Departamento de de Análisis Matemático, Universidad de Sevilla)
    Location: Aula 2.2.D08 and Meet link
  • 30/10/2024, 11:00: Seminar
    Title: Alguna sorpresa en la dinámica crítica del modelo de Ising
    Speaker: Rodolfo Cuerno (GISC/UC3M)
    Location: Aula 2.2.D08
  • 16/10/2024, 11:00: Seminar
    Title: Competition among efflux pumps for outer membrane components drives transient collateral sensitivity in P. aeruginosa
    Speaker: Pablo Catalán (GISC/UC3M)
    Location: Aula 2.2.D08
  • 02/10/2024, 11:00: Seminar
    Title: Urbanismo a la Romana: Cómo los Recursos y el Comercio Crearon un Imperio
    Speaker: Natalia Briñas (GISC/UC3M)
    Location: Aula 2.2.D08
  • 03/06/2024, 11:00: Seminar
    Title: Shape effects in the fluctuations of random isochrones on a square lattice
    Speaker: Iván Álvarez (UNED)
    Location: Aula 2.2.D08 or clicking in this Google Meet link.
  • 20/05/2024, 11:00: Seminar
    Title: Paths, noise and phase transitions in disordered media.
    Speaker: Daniel Villarrubia (Dpto. Física (UC3M) y Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC))
    Location: Aula 2.2.D08 or clicking in this Google Meet link.

Events, sorted by year:

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