First spectra recorded by Jorge and Pedro in our lab
Jorge Quereda and Pedro L. Alcázar have been working hard to assemble the laboratory instruments for optical characterization of materiales and record...
Read moreTwisted graphene nanoribbons as nonlinear nanoelectronic devices
In a recent paper [Carbon 149, 587 (2019)], M. Saiz-Bretín et al argue that twisted graphene nanoribbons subjected to a transverse electric field can ...
Read moreImpact of device geometry on electron and phonon transport in graphene nanorings
In a recent paper [Physical Review B 95, 165428 (2019)], M. Saiz-Bretín et al argue that graphene nanorings attached to two leads show increased phono...
Read moreEffective nonlinear model for electron transport in deformable helical molecules
In a recent paper [Physical Review E 98, 052221 (2018)], E. Díaz et al introduce an effective model for electron transport in a deformable helical mol...
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