On February 8th, 2013, the X GISC Workshop was held at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. In this occasion, 31 members of the group attended the workshop, and 9 talks were given. Here you will find some information about that meeting and a copy of the talks that were exposed.
- Program: a detailed program of the Workshop, its participants and the abstracts of the presentations can be found here.
- Presentations:
- Mythbusters: Paradoxes from the dawn of quantum physics, by Francisco Domínguez-Adame.
- Detecting active processes from spontaneous oscillations of Ear Hair bundles, by Edgar Roldán.
- Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: theory and experiments, by Edoardo Vivo.
- Capillary emptying and short-range wetting, by Carlos Rascón.
- Temporal effects in the growth of networks, by Luis Alberto Martínez.
- Formation and maintenance of nitrogen fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria, by Saúl Ares.
- Casimir effect between topological insulators, by Pablo Rodríguez-López.
- Intrinsic noise on Fisher fronts, by Svetozar Nesic.
- Ripple dynamics driven by stress induced solid flow, by Ana Moreno.