Published books

Física del estado sólido

Física del Estado Sólido.
Teoría y métodos numéricos

Francisco Domínguez-Adame

Editorial Paraninfo (2000)

ISBN: 84-283-2742-4

Solid State Physics is well inside the core of Modern Physics. Computers and a number of numerical techniques are commonly used in Physics and, in particular, in Solid State Physics. The widespread use of these techniques demands a good student training even at introductory levels. The aim of this book is to present some of the basic numerical techniques and apply them in solving several  problems in Solid State Physics, as cohesion energy, lattice dynamics in nonperiodic solids, band structure of crystals, surface states, semiconductors, optical absorption and X-ray scattering. Two apendices are devoted to the introduction of numerical techniques and the C programming language.Click on the cover for further information (in Spanish).

Física del estado sólido

Electrons, phonons and excitons in low-dimensional aperiodic system

Enrique Maciá and Francisco Domínguez-Adame

Editorial Complutense (2000)

ISBN: 84-89784-99-X

From a fundamental point of view the study of solid state matter has been traditionally based upon the notion of a periodic arrangement of atoms in space. The discovery of quasicrystals, a new type of solids which defy this standard classification, supposed a serious breakthrough in the condensed matter community. In fact, quasicrystals are neither periodically ordered like ordinary crystals, nor are they disordered or amorphous solids. In this book we aim to present a detailed study on the relationship between the aperiodic order present in quasicrystals and quasiperiodic superlattices and their related transport properties. The book is written in English.

Física del estado sólido

Efectos de coherencia atómica en la interacción luz-materia

Victor A. Malyshev and Francisco Domínguez-Adame

Editorial Complutense (2003)

ISBN: 84-283-2742-4

Light-matter interaction includes theoretical and experimental research in atom-light interactions. The aim of the book is to give the student advanced knowledge on the quantum-mechanical interaction between light and matter. The book covers the basics of atoms and molecules in electromagnetic fields and nonlinear optics. More specifically, starting from the Bloch equations, a detailed discussion of free induction decay, optical nutation y photon echoes is presented. Absorption and coherent amplication, solitons, spontaneous emission and superradiance are also discussed. The book is writen in Spanish.

Física del estado sólido

Mecánica y Ondas. 100 problemas resueltos

Francisco Domínguez-Adame

Editorial Complutense (2017)

ISBN: 978-84-669-3543-2

A collection of 100 solved problems of classical mechanics and waves. The book is writen in Spanish.
