(For a complete list of the papers published this year, click on the current year link in the table at the end of the page)
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Articles published in 2013
- Gender Differences in Cooperation: Experimental Evidence on High School Students
J. A. Molina, J. I. Giménez-Nadal, J. A. Cuesta, C. Gracia-Lázaro, Y. Moreno and A. Sánchez
Plos One 8(12):E83700 - Comment on ''Ratchet universality in the presence of thermanl noise''
N. R. Quintero, R. Álvarez-Nodarse and J. A. Cuesta
Physical Review E 88, 066101 - Cognate peptide-MHC complexes are expressed as tightly apposed nanoclusters in virus-infected cells to allow TCR crosslinking
M. Ferez, M. Castro, B. Alarcón and H. M. van Santen
Journal Of Immunology Doi:10.4049/Jimmunol.1301224 - Interplay between columnar and smectic stability in suspensions of polydisperse colloidal platelets
E. Velasco and Y. Martínez-Ratón
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Doi: 10.1039/C3cp53065e - Time-shift invariance determines the functional shape of the current in dissipative rocking ratchets
J. A. Cuesta, N. R. Quintero and R. Álvarez-Nodarse
Physical Review X 3, 041014 - Finite-dimension behavior in a thermosyphon with a viscoelastic fluid
A. Jiménez-Casas, M. Castro and J. Yassapan
Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems Supplement 2013, 375-384 - Comment on 'Effects of Particle Shape on Growth Dynamics at Edges of Evaporating Drops of Colloidal Suspensions'
M. Nicoli, R. Cuerno and M. Castro
Physical Review Letters 111, 209601 - Dimensional fragility of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class
M. Nicoli, R. Cuerno and M. Castro
Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory & Experiment, P11001 - Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes
C. González-Santander, F. Domínguez-Adame, M. Hilke and R. A. Römer
Europhysics Letters 104, 1701223 - Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: the combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics
L. Loepfe, A. Cabrales and A. Sánchez
Plos One 8(10), E77526 - Strong spin-dependent negative differential resistance in composite graphene superlattices
J. Munárriz, C. Gaul, A. V. Malyshev, P. A. Orellana, C. A. Müller and F. Domínguez-Adame
Physical Review B 88, 155423 - Liquid-crystal patterns of rectangular particles in a square nanocavity
M. González-Pinto, Y. Martínez-Ratón and E. Velasco
Physical Review E 88, 032506 - Dimensional crossover of hard parallel cylinders confined on cylindrical surfaces
Y. Martínez-Ratón and E. Velasco
Physical Review E 87, 052314 - Intrinsic fluid interfaces and nonlocality
E. M. Fernández, E. Chacón, P. Tarazona, A. O. Parry and C. Rascón
Physical Review Letters 111, 096104 - Material dependence of the wire-particle Casimir interaction
E. Noruzifar, P. Rodríguez-López, T. Emig and R. Zandi
Physical Review A 87, 042504 - Binding energy of hydrogenic impurities in quantum dots under intense laser radiation
C. González-Santander, T. Apostolova and F. Domínguez-Adame
Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 335802 - Lateral inhibition and neurogenesis: novel aspects in motion
P. Formosa-Jordan, M. Ibañes, S. Ares and J. M. Frade
International Journal of Developmental Biology, 57, 341-350 - Degree of intervality of food webs: From body-size data to models
J. A. Capitán, A. Arenas and R. Guimerà
Journal Of Theoretical Biology 334, 35-44 - Evolutionary stability and resistance to cheating in an indirect reciprocity model based on reputation
L. A. Martinez-Vaquero and J. A. Cuesta
Phys. Rev. E 87, 052810 - The order of condensation in capillary grooves
C. Rascón, A. O. Parry, R. Nürnberg, A. Pozzato, M. Tormen, L. Bruschi and G. Mistura
Journal Of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 192101 - Bound states in the continuum driven by AC fields
C. González-Santander, P. A. Orellana and F. Domínguez-Adame
Europhysics Letters 102, 17012 - Electron pairing in periodic potentials under an external electric field
C. Gaul, A. Rodríguez, R. P. A. Lima and F. Domínguez-Adame
Physical Review B 87, 224306 - Limited communication capacity unveils strategies for human interaction
G. Miritello, R. Lara, M. Cebrián and E. Moro
Scientific Reports 3, 1950 - Conductance and thermopower of a quantum dot with Fano-Rashba effect
R. P. A. Lima and P. A. Orellana
Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 26, 2209-2212 - Modeling spin transport in helical fields: derivation of an effective low-dimensional hamiltonian
R. Gutiérrez, E. Díaz, C. Gaul, T. Brumme, F. Domínguez-Adame and G. Cuniberti
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 177, 22276 - Time allocation in social networks: correlation between social structure and human communication dynamics
G. Miritello, R. Lara and E. Moro
Chapter In The Book ”Temporal Networks”, Springer, 2013. Series: Understanding Complex Systems - Asymptotic behavior of a viscoelastic fluid in a closed loop thermosyphon: physical derivation, asymptotic analysis and numerical experiments
J. Yassapan, A. Jiménez-Casas and M. Castro
Abstract And Applied Analysis 2013, 748683 - Energy dependence of the ripple wavelength for ion-beam sputtering of silicon: experiments and theory
M. Castro, R. Gago, L. Vázquez, J. Muñoz-García and R. Cuerno
Aip Conference Proceedings 1525, 380 - The predictability of consumer visitation patterns
C. Krumme, A. Llorente, M. Cebrián, A. Pentland and E. Moro
Scientific Reports 3, 1645 - Heterogeneous network games: Conflicting preferences
P. Hernández, M. Muñoz-Herrera and A. Sánchez
Games And Economic Behavior 79, 56-66 - Crowd Computing as a Cooperation Problem: An Evolutionary Approach
E. Christoforou, A. F. Anta, C. Georgiou, M. A. Mosteiro and A. Sánchez
Journal Of Statistical Physics 151, 654-672 - Effective heating to several thousand kelvin of an optically trapped sphere in a liquid
I. A. Martínez, É. Roldán, J.M.R. Parrondo and D. Petrov
Physical Review E 87, 032159 - Dynamics of mobile coupled phase oscillators
K. Uriu, S. Ares, A. C. Oates and L. G. Morelli
Physical Review E 87, 032911 - Bogoliubov theory on the disordered lattice
C. Gaul and C. A. Müller
European Physical Journal Special Topics, 217, 69-78 - Limits of social mobilization
A. Rutherford, M. Cebrián, S. Dsouza, E. Moro, A. Pentland and I. Rahwan
Proceedings Of The National Acadmey Of Sciences 110, 6281-6286 - Role of nonlinearities and initial prepatterned surfaces in nanobead formation by ion-beam bombardment of Au(001): experiments and theory
J-H. Kim, J.-S. Kim, J. Muñoz-García and R. Cuerno
Physical Review B 87, 085438 - Diversity-induced resonance in the response to social norms
C. J. Tessone, A. Sánchez and F. Schweitzer
Physical Review E 87, 022803 - Optical nanoantennas with tunable radiation patterns
J. Munárriz, A. V. Malyshev, V. A. Malyshev and J. Knoester
Nano Letters 13, 444 - Super-Bloch oscillations with modulated interaction
E. Díaz, A. G. Mena, K. Asakura and C. Gaul
Physical Review A 87, 015601 - Time as a limited resource: communication strategy in mobile phone networks
G. Miritello, E. Moro, R. Lara, R. Martínez-López, S. G. B. Roberts and R. I. M. Dunbar
Social Networks 35, 89
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